Every year, the debate rages about the clock switching ritual of daylight saving time as we chase the sunlight. We recently experienced the Spring Forward, with all its morning grogginess, sleep deprivation and for some people, the increased likelihood of strokes and heart attacks. That certainly can get us thinking about the effect sunlight has on our overall health. Designing with the idea of illuminating a space with natural light, in the jargon of architecture, is called daylighting.

Daylighting is one of the elements of green building design because it relies on natural light that can save energy. This is accomplished by carefully planning for optimum light through window placement, which can create the best access to ambient light. Solar tubes are another option. They can provide natural light and lessen reliance on electric lighting. In homes designed to capture the most natural light, even the arrangement of furniture and the window-shading systems can help residents take control of their environment. Electric lighting supplements natural light, rather than the other way around.

Are window views different than daylighting?

Yes, and they provide different benefits. Window views focus on just that – the view from your window. When that view takes in a view of nature, whether it includes trees, rolling hills or a view of the ocean, you feel more connected to nature. That connection can produce a sense of well-being, lower our blood pressure and increase levels of concentration. The list goes on, but this is a good start. When you consider, on average, most of us spend about 90% of our time indoors, it shouldn’t surprise us. Perhaps, because we evolved from a time when we all spent much more time outdoors, something in us still craves that connection.

Utilizing natural light comes with a number of benefits.

Sunlight provides vitamin D, something we need for strong bones. It also benefits our immune and cardiovascular systems along with our muscles and brains, and influences hundreds of genes in our bodies.

According to Sun Is Life, these benefits abound:

  • Natural sun increases red blood cells,
  • Sunlight stabilizes blood sugar levels,
  • Sunlight boosts your immune system,
  • Natural light boosts white blood cell counts,
  • Sunlight has been shown to relieve depression,
  • Daytime sun helps you sleep better at night,
  • Sunlight increases our ability to withstand environmental pollutants.

If you are looking for ways to embrace the light in your new building project or remodel, we’d love to discuss creative ways to make it happen.