I am sometimes asked what it is like to work with an architect. My response is often that depends.

So many variables can impact an architect’s work to create your dream project. Let’s list just a few.

  • Size and scope of the project
  • Geography
  • Your locality’s permitting process and building regulations

Remodeling a bathroom, even one of significant size, will vary greatly from designing your dream home from the ground up. I love the process of exploring what you want to get out of an architectural project and coming up with a design that brings your dream to reality.

Over the last several years, I’ve worked with a number of clients who wanted to expand their living space. Some clients wanted room to expand their families, while others found a home that they could buy and fix up the way they wanted it to be before moving in.

In all cases, we began with three essential discussions:

  • What was important to the client
  • What was possible based on the footprint of the lot or current structure
  • What was alllowed within that locality

Regulations and new laws impact what is possible. Working with someone who knows your area and stays on top of the changes can benefit your project and save time and money in the long run.

The best way to reveal what it’s like to work with an architect comes from clients who’ve already done it. Take Brian as an example. He and his family couldn’t find the perfect home over a period of active house hunting. They eventually chose a home in the Terra Linda neighborhood of Marin that had one less bedroom than they’d wanted but felt they could do an addition and an ADU. Their local planning department didn’t agree, and they’d already closed on the property.

Learn how AplosGroup solved their dilemma

One San Francisco homeowner wanted to add an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) converting a garage and part of a basement/storage level into a living space. San Francisco is known to be tough when it comes to zoning and building regulations. Having someone who knows the process can make things go more smoothly.

TW welcomed the help of an advocate

Those DYI shows on TV make remodeling look pretty simple, unless of course, they run into a snag. That’s what happened to Diana when she decided to do some mold abatement in her bathroom. The problem proved to be more extensive than she’d imagined. She thought it might be a good time to do an extensive remodel. Her hesitation was that she didn’t know how to do it on her own. That’s when she went looking for a design professional.

Diana shares what it was like to work with an architect for the first time

If you are interested in discussing a project and want to experience what it is like to work with an architect, AplosGroup would love to explore your options.