Information on making buildings more sustainable and eco-friendly

Remodeling for Summer? Consider Permeable Paving

With summer just around the corner, it’s an excellent time to think about remodeling your outdoor living spaces. One excellent, eco-friendly upgrade to consider is replacing patios and walkways made from impermeable paving materials—such as traditional concrete or stone, asphalt, or plastic—with permeable paving. Why Use Permeable Paving Materials? Permeable materials are porous and allow

5 Ways to Reduce Waste from Your Next Remodeling Project

How much waste did your last construction or remodeling project generate? Chances are, it was more than necessary. According to California's 2008 Statewide Waste Characterization Study, 29 percent of the state's solid waste stream comes from the "Inerts and Other" category, which includes construction and demolition. But with a little planning, you and your architect or

Finding and Using Green Building Materials

One of the best ways to lower your project's environmental footprint is to use green building materials. Whether it's a simple kitchen remodel or a new, multi-unit office building, if you want to reduce your impact on our environment, there are five key questions to ask when choosing materials: 1. Is it sustainable? Sustainable materials

What Is Green Design?

Green design, also known as sustainable design, was once an afterthought – a nice "extra" to think about after the big design decisions had been made. As our awareness of the importance of caring for our planet has grown, green design has evolved to become a key consideration for many people. But what does it