Information on designing and remodeling seismically stable buildings to withstand earthquakes

Does Your Home Qualify for an Earthquake Retrofit Grant?

Worried about earthquakes? If you live in California, the answer is probably a resounding "yes!" And there is good reason to be concerned. There is a greater than 99 percent chance that California will experience a quake of a magnitude 6.7 or greater. For reference, that was the size of the 1994 Northridge earthquake, which

Essential Earthquake Retrofits for Your Older Home

This post previously ran in 2017. Earthquakes are a fact of life in the Bay Area. The same geologic features that create our dramatic mountains-meet-ocean vistas mean we have to live with a little bit – or sometimes a lot – of shaking. California’s building codes are continually updated based on emerging research and lessons

Essential Earthquake Retrofits for Your Older Home

This post previously ran in 2017. Earthquakes are a fact of life in the Bay Area. The same geologic features that create our dramatic mountains-meet-ocean vistas mean we have to live with a little bit – or sometimes a lot – of shaking. California’s building codes are continually updated based on emerging research and lessons

Essential Earthquake Retrofits for Your Older Home

Earthquakes are a fact of life in the Bay Area. The same geologic features that create our dramatic mountains-meet-ocean vistas mean we have to live with a little bit – or sometimes a lot – of shaking. California’s building codes are continually updated based on emerging research and lessons learned from each quake to make