Summer is almost here, and temperatures are soaring. In California, last year was the hottest year on record since temperature tracking began in 1850. Climate change is causing many homeowners to rethink old traditions and habits, like trading in a traditional grass lawn for native plants. Trading it in for drought resistant, yet, living plants is one scenario. But what about fake grass, that amazingly evergreen plastic turf?

Before any decision is made, it pays to dig beyond the sales hype and do some homework.

Artificial grass comes in more than one grade. While all have a backing that binds blades together and allows moisture to escape into the ground below, the materials used offer different benefits. One manufacturer lists seven different types of backing to consider based on where the turf will go and what activities will take place there.

Will it go in a walkway, with lots of foot traffic? Whether you’ll be playing backyard touch football, lounging in the sun with a spritzer, constructing your own putting green, or creating a special place for the family pet, you’ll want to choose the right backing option.

Of course, your choices continue as you consider turf color, pile height and direction. When it comes to color, you can even choose a pattern that includes thatching that realistically mimics real grass, with dry, browning blades interspersed with shades of green.

While it might sound strange to refer to the blades of artificial turf as yarn, that is a common term. The yarn used in artificial grass is either polyethylene, polypropylene or nylon (also known as polyamide). However, changes in the materials and manufacture of artificial grass yarns are evolving.

The first- and second-generation artificial grass yarns are mesh grass, while the third-generation grass yarns have evolved into monofilament grass and mixed grass products. The yarns come in different grades. Polyethylene comes in C2, C4, C6 and C8, the higher the number the better the grade.

What you might not know is that you also have a choice of blades.

Blade Shape

There’s a lot more to artificial grass blades than meet the eye! A blade’s shape and material consistency affects how it looks, feels, and holds up to stress. There are seven essential blade shapes that every prospective buyer should know about!

Turf Distributors

Just like choosing the backing material, the shape of the blade should match the intended use of the area where the turf will be installed. They even offer a blade (and backing) that disperses heat to keep turf lawns up to 15 degrees cooler on hot days. That could be a great selling point for anyone in heat-challenged California. All these evolving improvements come at a higher price. The savings come over the life of the “lawn” in lower maintenance costs.

Let’s Take a Look at the Pros and Cons of Replacing a Living Lawn with Artificial Turf:


  1. Low Maintenance: No mowing or fertilizing required. Artificial turf saves you time and money on lawn care.
  2. Durability: It can withstand foot traffic, pets and harsh weather conditions without getting damaged.
  3. Year-Round Green: Enjoy a lush, green lawn all year long, regardless of the season or climate.


  1. Upfront Cost: The initial installation can be expensive compared to natural grass.
  2. Heat Retention: Depending on the backing and blade design, artificial turf can get very hot in direct sunlight, making it uncomfortable for bare feet and pets’ paws. You might need to water it to cool it down.
  3. Environmental Concerns: Cleaning the turf can require chemicals and water, potentially offsetting water savings. Additionally, artificial turf is made from synthetic materials that can impact the environment.

Even though the hot weather and intermittent water rationing may have you looking for an alternative to your thirsty expanse of live lawn, you may want to take a look at one of our earlier posts on the topic of native plantings to replace a lawn.

At AplosGroup, we want our clients to have the information they need to make informed decisions. That said, we are not promoting the use of fake grass in any of our projects. We believe there is a natural solution to every problem.