Information on home design, including new home design, remodeling, mid-century modern architecture, sesimic upgrades and other home improvements.

Architect or Landscape Architect for Fire Safety?

As it turns out, you need both, for different reasons. If you are considering remodeling or adding an addition to your home, your architect can tell you what type of fire safe material is best for your specific building design and location. But can they help you with a fire safe landscape design? Marin, Sonoma

What Color Should You Paint Your Mid-Century Modern Eichler Home?

If you own an Eichler home, and it needs an exterior lift, you may be wondering what paint color to choose. So many paint choices, so little time. Most paints have instructions about applying them between certain temperature ranges, and dry weather is best. In Marin, our unusual weather patterns and foggy days are getting

5 Tips You Need to Know About Accessory Dwelling Units.

With all the praise and enthusiasm for Accessory Dwelling Units today, you might be surprised by their history. Commonly referred to as in-law units or granny flats by some and infill apartments by affordable housing advocates, they were once highly restricted and outright illegal in many municipalities. In 2017 a California law (AB68) was enacted

California ADU: Frequently Asked Questions

Thanks to laws that went into effect January 1, 2020, building an accessory dwelling unit (ADU) – also known as a “granny unit” or “in-law unit” – is a more attractive option than ever for California homeowners who want to gain a little additional living space or get some rental income. If you’re considering building