
How Is Extreme Weather Impacting Homeowners Insurance?

Now that fall is here, the danger of fire increases with each month until the rains come. If you live in a state other than California, as we’ve seen, the risk may come from extreme weather events like hurricanes or heavy rainstorms that create flooding, or devastating tornadoes. In Northern California, we experience long periods

7 Building Project Mistakes Clients Make That Cost Time and Money

In my 30-plus years as an architect, I’ve dealt with almost every kind of building project mistake. There are a few that come up over and over, delaying projects, frustrating clients and costing them additional money. These problems tend to arise from a few basic misconceptions. Here are seven of the most common mistakes. Not

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 Tour the World of Iconic Architect: Frank Lloyd Wright

For any architectural fans of Frank Lloyd Wright living in Marin County, a tour of the Marin County Civic Center is a must. The 90-minute docent-led walking tour provides the complicated, and some suggest scandalous, history that finally led up to the completion of his last building. It is the only one he created for

Greywater in Mind for New Construction and Remodeling

There was a time, not so long ago, when greywater systems were not allowed in some municipalities. Even today, they are regulated. Long-running droughts have, of necessity, made the installation of greywater systems not only legal but desirable. Greywater is the water used in your washing machine and in your bath for bathing or showering

Fire Prevention Week: A Serious Topic for Californians

This year’s Fire Prevention Week takes place from Sunday, October 6th through Saturday, October 12th. The theme? The National Fire Prevention Association’s campaign says, “Smoke alarms: Make them work for you!™” Checking to see that you have a working smoke alarm is vital to protect your family in an emergency. However, the threat of wildfires

Dementia-Friendly Architecture Keeps People Connected

Can dementia-friendly architecture help people cope with the disabling symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias (ADRD)? It’s becoming more than just a theoretical question in clinical and design circles, given that an estimated 5 million people in the U.S. currently live with ADRD, a figure that the Centers for Disease Control projects will grow

5 Creative Tips for an Elegant Tub-to-Walk-In Shower Conversion

Are you hoping to update your bathroom to a newer look? Or you are aging in place and want a safer alternative to a traditional tub? Either way, your options may only be limited by your budget and imagination. The best place to start is with a plan. If you’ve been thinking about a change,

How a Commercial Architect Can Help You Differentiate Your Business

According to the U.S. Small Business Association, branding “is about the sum total of the experiences customers have with your business.” Your brand's image is the result of everything you do, from your product and how you interact with customers/clients to the design decisions you make about your office. A commercial architect can help you

Transforming Workspaces: Redesigning a Pre-COVID Office for the Post-COVID World

It isn’t a stretch to say that the pandemic radically altered our concept of the modern office post-COVID. Once-thriving hubs of activity, like the financial district in San Francisco, have yet to recover from the shifts that took place. In an earlier post, we highlighted the challenges facing architects and designers when attempting to transform

Architectural Design Process – Step 6: Finishing Your Building Project

Finishing your building project is definitely time for celebration. You’ve been through all the work, expense and emotion that any major project entails, so when the final nail has been hammered in and the last of the paint has dried, give yourself a well-deserved pat on the back. But before you pop the champagne and