
Dwell Magazine on Eichler and Neighborhood Integration

I recently ran across this article from the June 2020 issue of Dwell outlining how visionary builder Joseph Eichler fought housing discrimination in his developments. Eichler was not unfamiliar with housing discrimination; at the time, there were developers of suburban communities who refused to sell homes to the Jewish middle class. He believed, however, that if

5 Tips You Need to Know About Accessory Dwelling Units.

With all the praise and enthusiasm for Accessory Dwelling Units today, you might be surprised by their history. Commonly referred to as in-law units or granny flats by some and infill apartments by affordable housing advocates, they were once highly restricted and outright illegal in many municipalities. In 2017 a California law (AB68) was enacted

Using Universal Design for Better Customer Experience

In her 2016 TED Talk, disability rights advocate Elise Roy said: The unique experiences people with disabilities have is going to be what helps us make and design a better world for everyone. The concept Roy describes is known as universal design, an idea wherein designers strive to create environments that empower all people to

Being a Female Architect: Reflections from a Career

A December 18, 2018, article in the the New York Times asked a question that I've been asking for three decades: “Where Are All the Female Architects?” A few important points from the article: Until 1972 (and Title IX), most U.S. architecture schools didn’t admit women. Currently, half of all American architecture school graduates are

Architectural Design Process – Step 6: Finishing Your Building Project

Finishing your building project is definitely time for celebration. You’ve been through all the work, expense and emotion that any major project entails, so when the final nail has been hammered in and the last of the paint has dried, give yourself a well-deserved pat on the back. But before you pop the champagne and

Architectural Design Process – Step 5: Construction Administration

The design development is complete, the construction documents are done, and you’ve selected a contractor. Congratulations! You’re moving into one of the most exciting phases of your architectural design project: construction. During this phase, contractors will begin the task of building your dream, and with it comes the essential task of construction administration. Construction Administration Purpose A building or remodeling

Architectural Design Process – Step 4: Bidding

During the bidding phase of your architectural design project, your architect can help you select the contractors who will build your dream. Once your design has been finalized, you’ll need to send design documents to qualified contractors, who will use them to provide estimates of the costs of labor and materials for your project. Bidding

Architectural Design Process – Step 3: Construction Documents

Once the design development phase is complete, it’s time to move on to step three in the architectural design process: creating the construction documents. Construction Documents Purpose The construction documents represent the completed design for the project. They are submitted to the city for any required permitting, and the final versions of these documents will