
What Does the Inflation Reduction Act Mean to You?

No surprise if you haven’t thought about the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) lately. However, Rewiring America would like you to start thinking about it. Why? Because it is the largest climate bill in U.S. history. It contains, among other things, benefits to help purchase electric vehicles and install heat pumps, induction stoves, solar and other

Being a Female Architect: Reflections from a Career

As a female architect, I was interested to see the New York Times address the dearth of women in architecture in their December 18, 2018 article “Where Are All the Female Architects?” A few important points from the article: Until 1972 (and Title IX), most U.S. architecture schools didn’t admit women. Currently, half of all

5 Ways to Reduce Construction Waste from Your Next Remodeling Project

How much construction waste did your last remodeling project generate? Chances are, it was more than necessary. According to California's 2008 Statewide Waste Characterization Study, 29 percent of the state's solid waste stream comes from the "Inerts and Other" category, which includes construction and demolition. But with a little planning, you and your architect or contractor

What is a Restrictive Covenant in Real Estate and What Do They Do?

The answer is something that the Marin County’s Office of the Assessor-Recorder-County Clerk (ARCC) want you to know about. Restrictive covenants simply put are contract clauses that are intended to limit the contracting party’s future conduct. In the case of land, they can prevent certain uses of the land. But the restrictive covenants Marin County’s

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Working with an Architect – Your Questions Answered

Starting a large building or remodeling project can seem intimidating, especially if you’ve never worked with an architect before. You’ll probably have lots of questions about timing, process and cost, and a host of others are bound to come up as your project progresses. To take some of the mystery – and, hopefully, some of

Commercial Design Ideas to Make Your Building Shine

Commercial design is an essential part of your business’s marketing strategy. Your building’s architectural design is a hallmark of your brand. Send the wrong message, and you may lose clients or customers. Send the right one, and you can enhance your brand identity and recognition with your target audience. Moreover, the design of your building