
A Decade of Debate: Why Bay Area Homeowners Are Finally Warming Up to Fireplace Regulations

A cozy, crackling fire has long been a symbol of home – warmth, comfort, and even added property value. But a decade ago, the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD), responsible for protecting air quality across nine counties, began a controversial effort to regulate wood-burning fireplaces and stoves. So, it shouldn’t have come as

Does Your Home Qualify for an Earthquake Retrofit Grant?

Worried about earthquakes? If you live in California, the answer is probably a resounding "yes!" And there is good reason to be concerned. There is a greater than 99 percent chance that California will experience a quake of a magnitude 6.7 or greater. For reference, that was the size of the 1994 Northridge earthquake, which

Daylighting, Green Design and Better Health

Every year, the debate rages about the clock switching ritual of daylight saving time as we chase the sunlight. We recently experienced the Spring Forward, with all its morning grogginess, sleep deprivation and for some people, the increased likelihood of strokes and heart attacks. That certainly can get us thinking about the effect sunlight has

Back to the Boarding House to Address the Housing Crisis

The lack of affordable housing is a nationwide issue. No state is immune Yet, some states face a larger challenge than others. According to various sources from U.S. News and World Report to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, to World Population Review, the top five states with the highest number of homeless

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Case Study: New Garage with Accessory Dwelling Unit

Current Situation Client: Woman about to retire Need: Current and future income; future living space Budget Level: Medium The client is a single woman who is planning to retire in two to three years. She would like to realize a moderate increase in income during her remaining working years with the possibility of further increasing